2 search results for "Tomball"

Nick Perez in Tomball, TX

Nick Perez > Skateboard Instructor > Tomball, TX Nick Perez is a skate teacher in Tomball who is employed by Go Skate. Educational Background Nick Perez has improved in skateboarding a lot since the days of a 9 years. Nick Perez is continually becoming better in street skateboarding. Since Nick Perez lives in Tomball, TX,…

Justin Declemente in Pinehurst, TX

Justin Declemente > Skateboard Instructor > Pinehurst, TX Justin Declemente is a skate instructor in Pinehurst who is a contractor for Go Skate. Educational Background Justin Declemente has an educational background of a 10 years. Justin Declemente is almost always progressing in teaching the sport of skateboarding. Since Justin Declemente lives in Pinehurst, TX, he…