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Shane have given lessons for snowboarding and skiing. He's more confident with his abilities to teach skateboarding since he has been around it for a large part of his life. Shane helped friends learn tricks from ollies to switch backside 180 heels.
Saddle River, NJ 07458, USA
Shane K. From Upper Saddle River, NJ
5 (1)
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Hey Shredders!
I first hopped on a skateboard when I was 7 years old and struggled really hard to learn the basics. But, after years of practice I began progressing and developing not only new tricks, but a new passion.
I still skateboard today and don’t ever see myself stopping, there is so much more to the sport than the activity itself. Once you get into it, the common bond, culture and energy about the community is so much fun to be involved in. The sport has lead me to branch out into other extreme sports as well like snowboarding, mountain biking, and surfing.
However as cool as it would sound I am not a “professional” skateboarder more so a very experienced rider with a drive to make sure the sport stays alive (which is part of my drive to become an instructor). I have held small sponsorships with globe shoes and Pacsun.
I am a 23 Year old college student studying Architecture and Construction Management Engineering. I am interested in becoming an instructor to help with college funds and to help inspire young riders.  I have 2 summers experience as a summer recreation camp counselor (age 6-12), and I am a full time older brother of  3 younger siblings (age 10-21). I attended Woodward Camp for 7 summers between the ages of 7 and 14, so I am familiar with skateboarding instruction programs and their value in helping develop the skillset needed to skateboard. If you are not familiar with camp Woodward, look it up, it is the gold standard in extreme sports instruction programs. ( but is a sleep away camp as opposed to private ongoing lessons)

Nassau County, NY, USA
Derek C. From Long Island, NY
4.5 (2)
2 5 1

Rafael have given lessons before, the most advanced trick would be a varial kick-flip. He considers myself to be a very well-rounded skateboarder so he feels comfortable teaching almost any type of trick like Pop Shove It, 360 Shove Its, Varial Kickflip, Heel Flip, 360 flip Fakie, Big Spin, No comply boneless, Frontside airs, Blunt, Stall to fakie, 5-0 grind, 50-50 grind, Nose grind Crooked Grind Front or Backside boardslide etc.


White Plains, NY 10606, USA
Rafael G. From White Plains
5 (1)
1 5 1

Hello new skateboarders! Nathan is a skateboarder from the Bay Area. He has been skateboarding for about 12 years and have a strong love and passion for skateboarding. Skateboarding has always been a big part of his life and he would like to spread the joy skateboarding has to offer. It is possible for anyone to skate! He has taught many of my friends and my younger brother the basics of skateboarding and they are still skateboarding to this day. He knows that skateboarding can be a scary thing for people at first so my attitude towards learning is to go at a pace you are comfortable with. He will give my tips and tricks to overcome the fear of certain obstacles a student might be facing because he has gone through some of those fears himself. Anyone can skate!


Blauvelt, NY 10913, USA
Nathan O. from Union City, CA
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