Picking your first skateboard is very exciting but it can sometimes be overwhelming. Luckily, we’re life long skaters here at GOSKATE. Our Skateboard size calculator with the skateboard size chart is exactly what you’ll need to get the perfect board to get you rolling, (literally).
Whether you’re learning how to skate as an adult, or wondering if you should let your daughter skateboard, you might be asking if skateboard sizes are really important?
Yes, an oversized or undersized skateboard will not only triple the amount of time it takes to learn skateboarding but increase your chances of injury.
Skateboarding is a thrill, a lifestyle, and an athletic activity. And while skateboarding has gained in popularity over the past couple of years with many people riding a skateboard for the first time – it comes as no surprise many people are riding skateboards that are inadequate or the wrong size, so if you ask yourself “What size skateboard should I get” read below to find out the answer.
Step: 1 Find the Appropriate Equipment Size For Your Age

First Thing You Should Know- How Skateboards are Measured.
Unlike other board sports, skateboards are measure by their primarily width, not length. When there are numbers like 7.25″ and 8″, this size is referring to the width of the board.
Is a 7.5″ Board Good For Beginners?
There is no size for all beginners. Adults and kids have differed size bodies and feet. Much like skis or surfboards, height needs to be considered.
Kids, ages 4-7, need a skinnier board. These riders should ride a skateboard deck (the wooden board) between 6.75″ and 7.25”. Kids this young are also encouraged to ride “mini” decks as you will see below the different options.
Kids, ages 8-13, should purchase a skateboard deck between 7.25″ – 7.5″ or even 7.75”. Shoe size will largely determine this as well.
Adults have longer feet and need a wider board. They should purchase a skateboard deck 7.75″ or larger, with the average usually landing around 8” – 8.5”. Just remember when in doubt, whatever you’re most comfortable with is always best!
Is an 8.25 or 8.5″ Skateboard Too Big?
This board size is for cruising and adults. This size is also used for vert ramp riding. We would not recommend this board to beginner kids or teenagers.
You will need a skateboard that fits your body size and matches your skateboarding ambitions.

Most new skaters start with a regular skateboard. This is also called a “popsicle” board (think the wooden stick inside a popsicle curved at both ends). A popsicle board allows multiple uses for the board for tricks as well as cruising.
Some skateboarders opting for the hills and roads only will be more suited for a longboard or cruiser type boards not designed to produce flip tricks or ollies.
Other novelty shapes may not be best suited for a beginner and could limit progression or board use.
How Much Should I Pay For a Skateboard?
Skateboards vary in prices and should always be bought at a skateshop when possible. If you’re buying your first skateboard, many skate shops will also be able to help you pick the right size for you. But going in with a few tips will speed up the process and make it more familiar.
- A beginner skateboard will generally cost between $80-$150. You can buy a pre-assembled skateboard or ask the skateboard shop to set up a board for you. As a beginner, the last thing you need is backwards trucks or bearings to stifle your learning progress.
- Don’t be fooled by the low prices of Walmart or Target skateboards. They will snap quickly and are hard to learn on. Go to a real skate shop.
Try our skateboard size calculator
Step 3: Wear Appropriate Footwear

Safe skateboarding starts with proper shoes. Flat-soled shoes are imperative for board control and balance. Sneakers and athletic type shoes are practical but skateboard shoes from skate shoe brands will work best.
Never attempt to skate in sandals, clogs, boots, or footwear with a separate heel platform. Improper footwear could result in serious injury.
Step 4: Wear Proper Safety Gear

Beginners must have a helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, and wrist guards. There is no reason to negligently learn skateboarding without pads and learning with pads will teach you how to fall with confidence. Do not risk it as injury is never worth it.
A bicycle helmet is not a substitute as it does not protect the entire head. Make sure the helmet fits your head properly. The under-chin strap should be fastened and the helmet should not wiggle.
Wrists must be protected as they are generally the first line of defense. Wrist guards protect against some of the most common injuries for beginners.
Step 5: Find A Suitable Place to Learn

A level, concrete driveway or empty parking lot is a good place to start getting comfortable on the board. Make sure there isn’t anything in your way and be wary of cracks, loose stones, and potholes. Running over a little pebble can account for a whole lot of crashes, especially with hard wheels.
- Avoid getting roughed up on aged, cheese-grater pavement. If you can clearly see small gaps between the pavement rocks, it’s not a good surface for skateboarding. When choosing ground surfaces, polished concrete or even marble will be the friendliest for learning.
- Skateparks are great places to skate once you’ve got some experience. If you’re just trying to get the board to stay under you without falling down, parks might be a little intense. If there’s one in your area, go watch some skaters for tips, but stay on the sidelines.
Step 6: Get a Seasoned Skateboarder to Oversee You
The first day can be overwhelming even if you’ve stayed up all night watching every YouTube skateboard video or reading every “how to” article. Learning skateboarding is always safer with expert guidance. With the largest network of professional skateboard instructors, GOSKATE is the number one supplier in skateboard lessons.
Want To Learn More About Skateboarding?
Contact us to help foster you or your loved one’s new found passion for skateboarding with our GOSKATE classes!