Certification Training, Page 5 out of 7

Teaching on Ramps

Once all of the transportation basics have been taught, it’s now time to teach on a ramp.

Start Small

Find and use the smallest ramp first. A ramp with the least incline is the best choice.  1-3 feet tall is the right starting max.

Focus on Dropping the Shoulders

Going up a ramp, you should instruct the student to drop his/her back shoulder. While going down a ramp, you should instriuct the student to drop their front shoulder.

Riding Ramps to Fakie

Be sure student adjusts his/her shoulders and weight before coming down the ramp.
-Have the student always be looking where they are going.
-Always practice to faike before practicing turns.

The First Ride on a Ramp

You should hold onto their shoulders or hands to prevent them from falling. You always want to stay within falling distance of your student.

Dropping In

After your student has mastered the ramps and his/her balance. You may teach them to drop in. It is best to start by dropping in on a bank ramp, not a 1/4 pipe. Once they have successfully mastered the bank ramp, try the smallest quarter pipe in the park. You should try to keep this to 3′ or less. Be sure to provide plenty of back support for the skater. The most likely place for them to fall is backwards.

Do NOT let them jump ahead of their ability.

If they have never gone down a ramp before, have them start on the smallest one. NOT the largest.

Stay within falling distance of the student at all times.