Tristen E. From Redmond, WA

Date:September 9, 2020 1:48 am

Tristen is a great instructor, He has instructed for Skate Like a girl located in Seattle, wa for a year. He is outgoing, friendly, welcoming, and overall a very helpful skater. He has been skating for 3 years, snowboarding for 11, surfing for 4 and is very outdoorsy. Tristen has taught kids with no experience of touching a skateboard to kids learning how to do intermediate tricks. He ranges from kids 5 years old to 11-12 y/o.  Tristen is available in the greater Seattle area. Ranging down in Renton and north in Edmonds. Distance is not a problem for him so you want to ask if a place is to far he would be happy to answer and make it work. He tends to teach in Beginner to Intermediate levels.


Photos/Videos Of Tristen E. From Redmond, WA:

Your First Name: Tristen
When Did You Start Skateboarding? (Approx.) 2011
What Will Students Get From a Course With You?

The basics of riding a skateboard and the whole demographic of a skateboard: How to setup a skateboard, how to tighten/loosen your trucks correctly, Learning your stance, Learning how to push, dropping in, kickturns, going down ramps, all the way up to learning how to ollie and so forth.

What Types of Tricks and Skating Can You Teach

Pushing, kickturns, rolling off a curb, rolling down a ramp, dropping in, ollieing down drops/curbs, basic skate tricks/intermediate such as frontside 180, backside 180, fakie ollie, shuvits.

Your Highest Level of Education: Graduated High School
United States of America
