Thomas Colby C. From Kilauea

Date:August 4, 2016 3:28 pm

I have given lots of surf lessons. but I have been skating longer then surfing. I truly enjoy teaching kids/people new things especially teaching something that has brought me so much joy in my life. I mainly focus on ramp skating and longboarding. I could teach a student the basics of skating very well such as foot orientation foot placement turning ollie one eighty 180 to pivot out. On the ramp I could teach; drop ins rock to fakie rock and roll 50 50 boardslides straight airs disasters grinds and stalls 360s 360 ariels rail grab airs. I am extremely comfortable on a skateboard on and off of the ramp.

When Did You Start Skateboarding? (Approx.) -
Your Highest Level of Education: -
United States of America
