Samuel P. From Houston, TX

Date:November 22, 2017 8:35 pm

I Started skating when i was 10 and once I got my first skateboard its all I wanted to do m very passionate about skateboarding its a way of life to me it builds character and friendships all together  i have taught my younger brother and many friends and park locals how to skate and in the end we have a bond through skateboarding while skating i would love to be an instructor because skateboarding isn’t easy and can be very difficult i would be able to break it down and explain and demonstrate how to make it less difficult.

Photos/Videos Of Samuel P. From Houston, TX:

Your First Name: Samuel
When Did You Start Skateboarding? (Approx.) 2007
What Will Students Get From a Course With You?

A great lesson and a friend to skate with anytime when needed

What Types of Tricks and Skating Can You Teach

From basics to advanced flat ground to advanced skate park ollie,180,kickflip,heelflip,360 flip, no compy, fakie tricks, and more

Your Highest Level of Education: Some College
United States of America
