Mark W. From Boston, MA

Date:September 1, 2017 6:50 pm

I’ve been skating for 13 years and at 31 years old I’ve skated with all age groups at a variety of locations. I’ve always encouraged the youth to never give up skating   because skateboarding is such a rewarding and amazing physical activity. I have a 3 year old stepson whom I train to skate on a regular basis. I’ve got a steady job and a Bachelor’s degree and a vehicle and I’m always on time to any job I have to be at. Also safety has always been important no matter what physical activity I engage in especially for new skaters. I love seeing people progress at skateboarding as it reminds me of when I was a kid and started from scratch.

Photos/Videos Of Mark W. From Boston, MA:

Your First Name: Mark
When Did You Start Skateboarding? (Approx.) 2004
What Will Students Get From a Course With You?

A safe, learning, rewarding and fun experience!

What Types of Tricks and Skating Can You Teach

ollie, kickflip, fliptricks, ledgetricks, front nose slide, 180's, rock to fakie, tail stall, ollie to fakie, manuals, shuv its.

Your Highest Level of Education: Bachelors Degree
United States of America
