Lane B. from Lomita, CA

Date:December 23, 2016 6:39 am

Hello, I’m Lane. Skateboarding has been a large part of my life since I was 10. In the last couple years I have progressed more than I had in the past. I can teach a beginner and intermediate level skaters. My large bag of tricks include both transitional and street skating. I am very kind, easy to get along with, and I am also a good teacher. A detailed list of the tricks I can do.

Photos/Videos Of Lane B. from Lomita, CA:

Your First Name: Lane
When Did You Start Skateboarding? (Approx.) 2007
What Will Students Get From a Course With You?

Nollie/ switch fs pop shuvit
Varial flip

What Types of Tricks and Skating Can You Teach

fs/bs/nollie/switch/fakie pop shuv it
fs/bs/fakie kickflip fs/bs/nollie/switch/fakie 180 nollie 360
varial kickflip/fakie
fakie rock/roll
fs/bs 5-0
fs/bs 50-50
Fs/bs air
nose grabs
Indy grabs
early grabs
bs smith
rolling in
fs disaster
air to truck slap
Flat bar:
fs/bs boardslide
fs/fakie 50-50
Fs 5-0
Fs/bs/fakie nose slide

Your Highest Level of Education: Graduated High School
United States of America
