Kevin Flores from Houston, TX

Date:January 9, 2019 1:28 am

I, Kevin Flores am a 24 year old experienced skateboarder. I have been skating for over 13 years, it is one of my favorite hobby’s along with break dancing & drawing art. A few of the tricks I have learned and progressed at are kick flips, shove its, double kick flips, tray flips, switch kicks, gnarly flips, hospital flips, +others. As an instructor I guarantee my full undivided attention with a student, as well as patience. I will give optimistic cheering, and won’t move forward until all lessons are understood.

Photos/Videos Of Kevin Flores from Houston, TX:

Your First Name: Kevin
When Did You Start Skateboarding? (Approx.) 2006
What Will Students Get From a Course With You?

-Optimistic cheering
-Moving forward only until lesson understood & physically learned

What Types of Tricks and Skating Can You Teach

-kick flips
-shove its
-double kick flips
-tray flips
-switch kicks
-gnarly flips
-hospital flips

Your Highest Level of Education: Graduated High School


Contest History n/a
United States of America
