Justin S. From Las Vegas, NV

Date:December 16, 2017 8:29 pm

Justin has a huge passion for skateboarding, and that is one of the main reasons why he would be a successful skateboarding instructor. He has 11 years of experience, and would like to keep skating as long as he can. He wishes to share all of the knowledge he has with the community in order to encourage young skaters to pursue the sport. In the 11 years of skating, Justin has learned a lot of lessons that comes with it. He knows exactly what to say when a client is having trouble. He has skated for local skate shops in Las Vegas, NV; one being “FIZZ” skate shop. He has gained an exceptional amount of recognition and experience from riding with this company. FIZZ skate shop not only allowed him to get more recognition as a local skater in Las Vegas, but it also gave him more opportunities to  skateboard. Experience is key when it comes to teaching a child how to skate. It is a lot better to have an experienced trainer than someone who has lack of knowledge and little experience. Justin is currently enrolled at the University of Las Vegas, NV as a full-time student, therefore he is a motivated individual. He is very outgoing and prefers to be outdoors at all times of the day, presumably skating. Lastly, what makes Justin a great skateboarding instructor is his work efficiency and determination. The type of determination and passion Justin brings to the skate park will easily encourage a lot of young kids to gain the desire to land or complete the task they want to on the skateboard. Whether it be something as simple as turning on the board, or riding the board. He is an exceptional motivator and brings a lot of enthusiasm to the park. Justin is skilled on and off the skateboard. An under-looked skill of his is with girls. He is like the Elvis Presley of the African-American race. Girls simply cannot resist his smooth style and perfect body. If Justin is instructing your child, it is almost guaranteed at least 30 girls will be screaming your childs name. If you happen to have a daughter, watch out. 

Justin S. From Las Vegas, NV

Photos/Videos Of Justin S. From Las Vegas, NV:

Your First Name: Justin
When Did You Start Skateboarding? (Approx.) 2006
What Types of Tricks and Skating Can You Teach

Technical Tricks: pressure flips, no-complys, etc
Basic Tricks: Ollie, Shuv-its, 180s, etc
Advanced Tricks: tre-flips, lazerflips, inward heels, etc
Basic Grinds: boardslides, 50-50s, willy grinds, etc
Intermediate Grinds: tailslides, noseslides, 5-0s, etc
Advanced Grinds: smith grind, feeble grind, crooked grind, etc
*Ollies down objects
*Proper board pushing
*nose manual/manual
*Fakie tricks
*Nollie tricks

Your Highest Level of Education: Some College

Fizz Skateshop(2009-2010)

United States of America
