Jose O. From Trenton, NJ

Date:November 24, 2016 6:49 am

Skateboarding isn’t a sport to me, it’s a lifestyle. With that, I’m very passionate about it and would love to pass it on to other people. Younger kids especially deserve the freedom a skateboard could bring to ones life. I’all be a great instructor because, whether I don’t know the how to tre-flip 15 stairs, I know I’ll be teaching one important thing; how to have fun. I’ll show my students how to have fun, because that crucial in skateboarding. I’ll make sure each lesson won’t include boring lectures on how to be safe. My lessons will always the kids something to look forward to. I have plenty of patience for whatever obstacle that comes my way. If one of my students lack and is stuck, I’ll focus on him/her and make sure they don’t quit skateboarding. It’s easy to quit but hard to live without skateboarding. I’ve been skateboarding for about 5 years and I still try to learn how to get better. I hope maybe my students can teach me something. As skaters we’re a community with helping hands. I hope to land a job here and make sure skateboarding isn’t seen as a dangerous sport anymore.

Your First Name: Jose
When Did You Start Skateboarding? (Approx.) 2011
What Will Students Get From a Course With You?

Fun lessons
In depth detail tutorials
Individual attention

What Types of Tricks and Skating Can You Teach

The basics
Street skating

Your Highest Level of Education: Graduated High School
United States of America
New Jersey
