Hunter C. From Ottawa

Date:August 21, 2018 1:48 pm

HI! Hunter have taught a few people over the 20 + years of skateboarding and have always found just the right way to improve each individual’s skills in their own way. From the basics of safety, proper stance and balance to more advanced tricks like vert ramps and street tricks. For the last few years he drove across Canada building skateparks for Canadian Ramp Co. in various towns and helping local kids who came by learn the basics and more. With great adaptability he will be able to turn even the most frightened beginner into a confident skater.

Your First Name: Hunter
When Did You Start Skateboarding? (Approx.) 1996
What Will Students Get From a Course With You?


What Types of Tricks and Skating Can You Teach

street and vert skating
basic stance and transportation
ollie/ shuv-it/kickflip/180/powerslides/ boneless
heelflips/360-flips/360/ variel flips

Your Highest Level of Education: Some College
