Brendan M. From Millbrae, CA

Date:December 21, 2017 1:48 am

Hello! My name is Brendan and I am a skater From Millbrae California. I Practically grew up at Millbrae skatepark, and know everyone who comes through. I’ve been teaching kids the basics of skateboarding for two years.

You may be asking why should you pick me. The first reason is i have been skating since i was a little kid and have been through the perils of learning the fundamentals of skateboarding. Now I’m an advanced skater who has mastered the fundamentals.

Photos/Videos Of Brendan M. From Millbrae, CA:

Your First Name: Brendan
When Did You Start Skateboarding? (Approx.) 2007
What Will Students Get From a Course With You?

-They will learn the basics of skateboarding (Ollie, Popshuvit, 180, kickflip, Heelflip)
-They will learn how to skate transition

What Types of Tricks and Skating Can You Teach

I can teach transition skateboarding(ramps) and street skateboarding (rails, ledges, stairs)

Your Highest Level of Education: Graduated High School
Contest History Gatorade Freeflow
United States of America
