Adam W. From Nashville, TN

Date:January 2, 2017 1:53 am

Adam has been skateboarding since 2006. It has been a crucial part of his development as an adult and he loves to skate on weekends when he doesn’t have class. He loves to see progress and is excited to see his students develop their skills.

Photos/Videos Of Adam W. From Nashville, TN:

Your First Name: Adam
When Did You Start Skateboarding? (Approx.) 2006
What Types of Tricks and Skating Can You Teach

How to boardslide handrails
How to drop in
Quarterpipe basics (5-0, 50-50, rock and rolls, nose stalls, etc)
Quarterpipe intermediate tricks (disasters, fakie pop- rock, fakie pop-noseblunt, fakie 5-0, etc)
Flatground basics (kickflip, shuvits, 180's, etc)
Flatground intermediate tricks (full cabs, back big spins, nollie back big spins, etc)
how to wallie and polejam
basic grinds on hubbas and boxes (5-0, 50-50, nosegrind, noseslide, 50-50 to front board, etc)

Your Highest Level of Education: Some College
United States of America
